Non-Base64 Blog Article

What Is Base94 Encoding and How Does It Work?

Base94 encoding is a crucial technique in the field of data encoding and manipulation. In this article, we will provide a detailed introduction to the foundations of Base94 encoding.

What is Base94?

Fundamentally, Base94 is an encoding technique that use a collection of 94 distinct characters to encode data. This is more advanced than the well known Base64 encoding, which use 64 characters. Base94’s bigger character set makes data representation more effective because it requires fewer characters to encode data.

How Base94 Encoding Works

The Base94 encoding process simplifies complex data transformation. It starts by taking 9 input bytes, each with 8 bits of data, totaling 72 bits. These 72 bits are cleverly converted into an 11-digit number in the base-94 numerical system. To ensure human-readability and compatibility with various systems, it’s further encoded using ASCII characters from ‘!’ (ASCII value 33) to ‘~’ (ASCII value 126).

Here is the full character set used by Base94:


Base64 vs. Base94 Encoding

One of the most frequent comparisons is between Base64 and Base94 encoding. Both are widely used for data encoding, but they differ in some significant ways:

  • Character Set Size: Base64 uses a character set consisting of 64 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and two special characters. In contrast, Base94 encoding utilizes a larger set of 94 characters, enabling it to represent data more efficiently in terms of character count.
  • Padding: Base64 encoding often necessitates the use of padding characters to make the encoded data’s length a multiple of 4. On the other hand, Base94 encoding does not require padding, resulting in more concise representations and avoiding potential complications.
  • Data Size: For a given dataset, Base94 encoding typically generates shorter encoded strings compared to Base64. This is particularly advantageous when dealing with large datasets and when minimizing data transfer times is crucial.