Decoder Tools
This category contains a collection of decoding tools such as Base64, Base32, Z-Base32, Base64URL, and others. Decode encoded data in Base64, Base32, and other formats with ease. These technologies make transforming encoded data back into its native form easier, maintaining data accuracy and accessibility.
Online Base64 File Decoder: Convert Base64 to File
With our Online Base64 File Decoder you can easily convert Base64 data to its original format. The program will try to automatically detect what Base64 value was originally in what file format.
Online Base32 Decoder: Decode Base32 Text or File
Using our online Base32 Decoder, you can easily convert Base32-encoded text or files back to their original format. Discover the true content of your data with ease!
Convert Hexadecimal (Hex) to Text (Base16 Decoder)
Using our simple Base16 Decoder, you may convert hexadecimal data back to text. Discover the meaning of hexadecimal-encoded data.
Convert Octal to Text (Base8 Decoder)
With our Octal to Text Converter (Base8 Decoder), you can unlock the power of octal data. Transform octal-encoded data back into human-readable language, allowing for more efficient data interpretation and analysis.
Convert Decimal to Text (Base10 Decoder)
With our Base10 Decoder or Decimal to Text tool, you may convert decimal data to text. Convert numeric data back to text with ease for easy data interpretation and consumption.
Convert Binary to Text (Base2 Character & Word Decoder)
With our Base2 Character and Word Decoder tool, you can discover the human-readable meaning behind binary data. Transform complex sequences of 0s and 1s into intelligible language with ease, making binary data available for your specific needs. Decode binary code with ease and discover hidden messages.
Base64 to Audio Decoder: Convert Base64 to Audio
With this handy web application, you can easily decode and convert Base64-encoded audio data back to audio file.
Base64 to WAV Decoder: Convert Base64 Audio to WAV
With this handy web application, you can easily decode and convert Base64-encoded audio data back to WAV format.
Base64 to MP3 Decoder: Convert Base64 Audio Files to MP3
With this handy web application, you can easily decode and convert Base64-encoded audio data back to MP3 format.